【Membership Terms of Service】 ● "Members" referred to in the Terms of Service of Members are those who have completed the membership and passed the certification in accordance with the membership procedures specified by this site. ● When you use the services of this site, it means that you agree to and abide by the provisions of the terms of service and the provisions of relevant laws. ● This site reserves the right to review and join the membership. In addition, for those who have joined the membership, this site also reserves the right to cancel their membership. ● The revision of the terms of service for members applies to all members. When this site revises the terms of service, it will be announced on this site. member ● When using the membership services provided by this site, use the account and password that you logged in when you joined the membership. ● Members must be responsible for the use and management of account numbers and passwords. The member shall bear full responsibility for all actions and results caused or derived from the use of the services of this site by using the member's account and password (not related to the member himself or others). ● If a member's account number and password are lost, or they are found to have been misused by a third party without any reason, they should immediately notify the site to contact the report. Full responsibility. ●  Every time you finish using this service, perform member logout and close the window to ensure your membership rights. ● When the account and password of a third party member is stolen, and the third party or the company is investigated or prosecuted by another third party or administrative agency, the third party member or the company has the right to claim damages from you, including but not Limited to litigation costs, attorney fees and loss of goodwill. Member login information ● Member login information must provide your company's correct, up-to-date and complete information. ● Member login information must not be forged or false (EX such as personal information and credit card information). Once found, the company may refuse its right to join membership. And can suspend or terminate their membership, and if they violate the relevant laws of the Republic of China, they will also be investigated according to law. ● When the basic information of members (EX: address, telephone and other login information) is changed, please update the relevant personal information from time to time to ensure its correctness and completeness. If the information you provide is wrong or inconsistent, this website has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse you to continue to use this service. ● Without the consent of the member company, the company will not disclose information involving personal privacy to third parties in principle, except for the principle of data sharing... (please refer to the relevant provisions of the "Privacy Protection Statement" on this site). ● Members should keep their passwords properly and should not disclose or provide them to others to know or use them; all behaviors using the service with the same member account and password will be considered as belonging to the member company and the password holder. behavior. use behavior 1. All your use of this service must comply with relevant local or international laws and regulations; you shall be solely responsible for all actions of users. 2. You agree that you will never use this service for illegal purposes or in an illegal manner, and that you will strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of China and the international practices of the Internet, and guarantee that you will not use this service to engage in acts that infringe on the rights and interests of others or violate the law. 3. You should abide by the following restrictions when using the membership services of this site: (1) Content that damages the personality of others, intellectual property rights such as trademark rights, copyrights, or other rights. (2) Use words that violate public order or good customs or other illegal words. (3) Extreme remarks with strong political and religious overtones. (4) Without the permission of the company, you may not use this service or other resources provided by this website, including but not limited to graphic databases, software for writing web pages, etc., to engage in any commercial transactions, or to solicit advertisers or sponsors. (5) Other content that violates the "Membership Terms of Service" of this site. The Company's Proprietary Rights ● All software or content contained in this service, or linked to this service, or the content provided by the company's advertisers or partners, are protected by their copyrights or other proprietary rights or laws. ● When you transmit information to the services provided by the company, you agree that this information is fully open (anyone can browse). You authorize and license the Company to reproduce, modify, adapt or otherwise use all or part of the content, and to create derivative works from the content. The copyright of derivative works belongs to the company. ● The company agrees that, in addition to placing the aforementioned information and derivative works on this website for Internet users to browse in accordance with these terms of use, and the relevant media belonging to the company, it will never illegally transfer it to other direct profit-making purposes or infringe on you. use of the rights. ● The ownership and management rights of the advertising billboards and event information appearing on the pages of all web pages are owned by the company. Users are not allowed to use all the information without the prior consent of the company. ●  Members agree and authorize this website to provide the required member information to the cooperative unit (third party) for the purpose of providing personalized services or related value-added services for use within the agreed scope. If the member does not agree to use their information If it is listed in the list of products or services of the cooperative unit (third party), this website can be notified to delete its information from the list, and at the same time, it will give up its right to purchase discounts or awards outside this website. ● At the same time, for the purpose of providing marketing, market analysis, statistics or research, or for the purpose of providing members with personalized services or value-added services, members agree that the company, or the company's strategic partners, may record, save, and use the membership in this The data and records retained or generated by the website, and statistical data may be disclosed or used without disclosing the information. ●  For the personal data logged by members, members agree that this website can collect, process, save, transmit and use such data within a reasonable range to provide users with other information or services, or to create member statistical data, or to carry out related information. Internet behavior surveys or marketing studies. Terminate authorization If your use of this service violates any law or these terms of use or threatens to endanger the rights of this website or a third party, the company reserves the right to immediately or permanently terminate your authorization to use this service without informing you. Disclaimer 1.  This website has the right to stop or interrupt the provision of this service when the following circumstances occur: (1)  When replacing, upgrading, maintaining or constructing the software and hardware equipment related to this service. (2) When a sudden failure of electronic communication equipment occurs. (3) When natural disasters or other force majeure factors make this website unable to provide services. 2. The company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential property or non-property damage caused by the user's use of the service or the use of the service. 3. Users should back up the text, pictures and other information uploaded in the message; the company is not responsible for the loss or damage of all or part of its content for any reason. 4. The company does not assume any responsibility for the use of this service or the results produced, nor does it guarantee that the software related to this service is free of defects or will be corrected. 5. All your remarks, opinions or actions on this site only represent you personally; it does not represent the position of the company, and the company is not responsible for it. The company does not guarantee the correctness of the identity claimed by the user. 6.  The Company shall not be liable to you or anyone else for any intimidation, defamation, obscene or any other wrongful conduct involved in or through the Service. 7. For any goods or services you purchase or obtain through the service, or advertise, sell or deliver through the company's sponsors or advertisers, you shall bear the possible risks or negotiate with the goods or service providers in accordance with the law The claim has nothing to do with the company at all, and the company is not responsible for it. right to modify ● When you start to use this service, it means that you have fully read, understood and agreed to accept the content of these terms. The company reserves the right to revise and change the content of these terms at any time, and will not notify members individually. It is recommended that you check these terms of service regularly. If you continue to use the service after the modification and change of these terms, it is deemed that you have read, understood and agreed to accept the modification or modification of these terms. ●  The company has the right to temporarily or permanently modify or suspend the provision of this service to you, and you shall not claim any compensation for this. intellectual property protection ● The software, programs and all contents on the website used in this website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, materials, website structure, and web design, are owned by this website or other rights holders in accordance with the law, including but not limited to intellectual property rights. Not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets and know-how, etc. ● No one may use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, modify, distribute, distribute, publicly publish, restore engineering, decompile or reverse assemble. If you want to quote or reproduce the aforementioned software, programs or website content, you must obtain the prior written consent of this website or other rights holders in accordance with the law. In the event of a violation, you shall be liable for damages to this website or other rights holders (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney fees, etc.). Other regulations ●  The user agreement of this website and the content of disclaimer also constitute a part of these terms of use. ● If the company is investigated or prosecuted by a third party or an administrative agency due to your use of the service, the company has the right to claim damages from you, including but not limited to litigation costs, attorney fees and loss of goodwill Wait. ● For the foreseeable software and hardware maintenance work that may cause system interruption or suspension, the company will notify members in an appropriate way before the situation occurs. Membership Termination and Obligation to Notify the Company ● The company has the right to change the content of each service or terminate the service of any member account. ●  If a member decides to terminate the membership of the company, he can directly notify the company by email or cancel through the mechanism provided by the company, and the company will cancel your membership information as soon as possible. ● Members have the obligation to notify the cancellation of the company's membership, and from the date of cessation of the company's membership (subject to the date of the company's e-mail), lose all the benefits and rights provided by the service. In order to avoid the loss of the member's rights and interests due to malicious incidents, when the member informs the company to stop membership, the company will confirm by email again, and then cancel the membership. 【 privacy policy】 TouchMe values your privacy on the web. When you fill in the information on the personal information page, it is considered that you are willing to share it publicly with other members. Scope of Privacy Policy The Privacy Policy applies to the personal data you provide when using the services of this website. When you click into other websites through the links provided on this website, you do not apply the privacy protection policy of this website in that website. Under what circumstances do we collect your data ● In order to provide your services or answer your questions more accurately, this website requires you to provide personal information in the following situations: 1. When you want to join the membership of this website to obtain our membership services 2. When you want to inquire about service information from this website 3. When you want to participate in an event held by us and register online 4. When you request a service from this website, whether the service is valuable or invaluable How do we use your logged-in personal data? The main purpose is to enable our other members to get to know you first, including contact with the communication account and phone number you are willing to share publicly. We may also use personal data for internal purposes, such as auditing, data analysis and research, to improve our products, services, web page presentation, and communication channels with customers. Without your consent, this website will never disclose, rent or resell your logged-in personal information to a third party, or use your information for other purposes without prior notice to you. Amendment and deletion of your personal data After you register as a member on this website, you can use your ID and password to change or delete the information you originally provided at any time to ensure its correctness. When must we release your information ●  This website will not sell or lend your personal data to anyone without your consent. But there are exceptions in some cases. These conditions include (but are not limited to): 1. When your behavior on this website has violated the terms of service of this website, or may damage or hinder the rights and interests of this website, or your behavior has caused damage to anyone, as long as we believe that your personal information is disclosed for the purpose of identifying and contacting or necessary to take legal action. 2.  When judicial units or other competent authorities require this website to disclose specific personal information due to public safety, this website will take the legal and formal procedures of judicial units and make necessary cooperation for the safety of all users of this website. About the use of cookies This website may set and access cookies from this website on your computer to provide considerate and convenient services. COOKIE is a technology used by the web server to communicate with the user's browser. It may store some information in the user's computer, but the user can cancel or restrict this function through the browser's settings. The cancellation of this function will cause you to be unable to use some of the main functions of this website normally. Account and personal data privacy protection ● To protect your privacy and security, your account information will be protected with a password. ● When you want to edit member information and other parts of your own personal information and privacy pages, this website will ask you to enter your account identification information to confirm your identity. ● In order to ensure the safety of your account and personal information, this website is not only committed to promoting various security mechanisms, but also please be sure to update your operating system regularly and pay attention to anti-virus. Modification of Privacy Policy Due to the rapid development of science and technology, the incompleteness of relevant laws and regulations, and the environmental changes that may be difficult to foresee in the future, this website will revise the privacy statement we provide on the website as necessary to implement the protection of your privacy. conception. When we complete the revision of the Privacy Policy, we will immediately publish it on the website of this website, and remind you to click to read it with a prominent sign.